An amusing and challenging adventure game, amidst the gardens and alleys of old Jaffa looking over the Mediterranean Sea.Three chosen charismatic group leaders, wearing blue, green and red Fez hats, will lead their blue, green and red teams to compete on finding the pieces of a puzzle of a mysterious shadow image associated with the history of Jaffa. The game includes navigating through the alleys, deciphering ancient Hebrew writing, searching for hidden notes, tasks to complete, enigmas to solve, a treasure map and a flying tree. The goal is to be the first group to obtain the key to an unopenable lock of the treasure chest. And if success shall be ours the chest will be opened and inside it the treasure! Oh, the treasure! The game is suitable for kids aged 6-15. Older siblings and parents are active participants in the game and probably will enjoy as much as the kids themselves.

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